Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Ayam-Ātmā Brahma | This Self is the Absolute


Ayam-Ātmā Brahma (IAST)
Translation: “This Self is the Absolute (Brahman)
From Mandukya Upanishad (Verse 2)

A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy
Sanskrit: अयमात्मा ब्रह्म
Transliteration: Ayam-Ātmā Brahma
Definition: "A Great Saying (Mahāvākya) which occurs in the Māṇḍūkya Upaniṣad of the Atharva Veda."

सर्वं ह्येतद्ब्रह्म ।
अयमात्मा ब्रह्म ।
सोऽयमात्मा चतुष्पात् ॥ २ ॥

Verse 2
Sarvaṃ Hy-Etad-Brahma.
Ayam-Ātmā Brahma.
So’yam-Ātmā Catuṣpāt.

Verily, all this is the Absolute.
This Self is the Absolute.
This same Self has four quarters.

  1. Grimes, John (1996). A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy: Sanskrit Terms Defined in English. Albany: State University of New York Press