Thursday, January 23, 2020

Dharma-Megha-Samadhi (The Final State of One-Pointedness)

Sanskrit Devanagari Calligraphy Lettering - Dharma-Megha-Samadhi (The Final State of One-Pointedness)


Sanskrit: धर्ममेघसमाधि
Transliteration: Dharma-Megha-Samādhi (IAST)
Translation: “the final state of one-pointedness
Definition: When an individual becomes disinterested even in omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence.*

धर्म – Dharma – that which is established or firm, steadfast decree, statute, ordinance, law; usage, pracitice, customary observance or prescribed conduct, duty; right, justice (often as a synonym of punishment); virtue, morality, religion, religious merit, good works**

धर्ममेघ – Dharma-Megha – a particular state of mind connected with Samādhi**

समाधि – Samādhi – concentration of the thoughts, profound or abstract meditation, intense contemplation of any particular object (so as to identify the contemplator with the object meditated upon; this is the eight and last stage of Yoga; with Buddhists Samādhi is the fourth and last stage of Dhyāna or intense abstract meditation**

*Grimes, John (1996). A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy: Sanskrit Terms Defined in English. Albany: State University of New York Press
**Monier-Williams, Monier (1899). A Sanskrit-English Dictionary: Etymologically and Philologically Arranged with Special Reference to Cognate Indo-European languages. Oxford: Clarendon Press

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