Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Savicārā | “With Enquiry”


Sanskrit: सविचारा
Transliteration: Savicārā (IAST)
Translation: “with enquiry

A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy
Definition: "a stage in Samādhi wherein the mind (Citta) is identified with some subtle object and assumes its form"

Glossary to the Record of Yoga (Sri Aurobindo)
Translation: "with judgment"
Definition: "a type of Samādhi “in which the mind does not reason logically but judges and perceives."

The Science of Yoga (I. K. Taimni)
Translation: "reflection"

  • Grimes, John (1996). A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy: Sanskrit Terms Defined in English. Albany: State University of New York Press
  • Hartz, Richard. Glossary to the Record of Yoga (Sri Aurobindo). Retrieved from http://wiki.auroville.org.in/wiki/Glossary_to_the_Record_of_Yoga
  • Taimni, I. K. (1975). The Science of Yoga: The Yoga-Sūtras of Patañjali in Sanskrit with Transliteration in Roman, Translation in English and Commentary: Theosophical Publishing House