Saturday, October 12, 2019

Man Is The Architect of His Own Fate

Man Is The Architect of His Own Fate

“We are all born with a blue-print of our life, as it were, mainly prepared by our actions in the previous life. Our present acts and thoughts are the result of our past and create our future. Man is the architect of his own fate and the builder of his own future destiny. This conviction makes the believer in the doctrine of rebirth responsible for his present suffering and also gives him an incentive for habitual right conduct to build up a happy future. As he accepts with serenity his present good or ill fortune, he can also look forward to the future with joy and courage. If present suffering is the result of a past wicked action, then, in order to avoid suffering in a future existence, a thoughtful man should desire to sin no more.”

~ Swami Nikhilananda, The Upanishads: Volume I—Katha, Iśa, Kena, and Mundaka (1949)

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