Monday, August 26, 2019

“I” Is The Name Of God

“I” Is The Name Of God

“No learning or knowledge of scriptures is necessary to know the Self, as no man requires a mirror to know that he is himself. All knowledge is acquired only to be given up eventually as not-Self. Nor is household work or care of children necessarily an obstacle. If you can do nothing more, at least continue saying ‘I’ ‘I’ to yourself mentally all the time, whatever work you may be doing and whether you are sitting, standing, or walking. ‘I’ is the name of God. It is the first and greatest of all mantras. Even OM is second to it.”

~ Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

  • Rajeshwarananda, Swami (1974). Erase the Ego. Bombay: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

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