Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Śānta | "peaceful"


Śānta (IAST)
Translation: "peaceful"
From Mandukya Upanishad (Verse 7)

A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy
Sanskrit: शान्त, शान्ति
Transliteration: Śānta, Śānti
Translation: "peace; contentment (from the verb root śam – “to be at peace”)"

Glossary to the Record of Yoga (Sri Aurobindo)
Transliteration: Śānta
Translation: "calm, peaceful"

Mundaka and Mandukya Upanishads (Swami Sharvananda)
Sanskrit: शान्त, शान्तं, शान्ति
Transliteration: Śānta, Śāntaṃ, Śānti
Commentary: "In the text, the word used Śāntaṃ which means the supreme peace that comes through the absolute cessation of, and dis-junction from, the activities and changes of the Prakṛti."

  1. Grimes, John (1996). A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy: Sanskrit Terms Defined in English. Albany: State University of New York Press
  2. Hartz, Richard. Glossary to the Record of Yoga (Sri Aurobindo). Retrieved from http://wiki.auroville.org.in/wiki/Glossary_to_the_Record_of_Yoga.
  3. Sharvananda, Swami (1920). Mundaka and Mandukya Upanishads: With Sanskrit Text; Paraphrase with Word-For-Word Literal Translation, English, Rendering and Comments. Mylapore, Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math