Monday, May 27, 2019

Manomaya-Kośa | The Sheath of Mind / The Mental Sheath


Manomaya-Kośa (IAST)
Translation: "The Sheath of Mind / The Mental Sheath"

A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy
Sanskrit: मनोमयकोश
Transliteration: Manomaya-Kośa
Translation: "the sheath of the mind; the mental sheath"
Definition: "It is part of the subtle sheath (Sūkṣma-Śarīra), with its patterns of desires, motives, etc., which form the complex called mind. It is the third sheath of the body composed of thought."

Glossary to the Record of Yoga (Sri Aurobindo)
Manaḥkośa (Manahkosha; Manah-Kosha) — the sheath (Kośa) composed of mental substance, “the mental sheath or subtle body in which our true mental being [Manomaya Puruṣa] lives”.

Manomaya — mental; mental activity; the mental being; the mental plane.

Manomaya Puruṣa (Manomaya Purusha) — “the Soul on the mental level”, the Puruṣa as a mental being “in whose nature the clarity and luminous power of the mind acts in its own right independent of any limitation or oppression by the vital or corporeal instruments”; the “Spirit poised in mind” which “becomes the mental self of a mental world and dwells there in the reign of its own pure and luminous mental Nature”.

  1. Grimes, John (1996). A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy: Sanskrit Terms Defined in English. Albany: State University of New York Press
  2. Hartz, Richard. Glossary to the Record of Yoga (Sri Aurobindo). Retrieved from